Monday, October 2, 2017

Photo1Q1.6: Independant Forced Perspective

(Answer from group forced perspective) I have not done force perspective photography at all prior to this assignment. The teaser images for this assignment were somewhat odd to be honest, as they seemed silly in practice and didn't really tell a "story" since the focus is instantly on what the process was to achieve the photo instead of the photo itself (of course, not every photo has to tell a dramatic story but I just like photos that do). Some of them were interesting concepts, though, and I have an idea of what I'd like to do for some of my independent photos.

In order to find inspiration for this, I looked up ideas on Pinterest and Google. I kind of hop all over the place for inspiration. This assignment was especially difficult and resulted in me settling on a mediocre shot due to poor time management.

f/1.8, 1/100, 400 | 50mm f/1.8
For this image, I demonstrated the use of food/drink in forced perspective. I do know that this is not actually food, but I put it under that category since my intention was to replicate it in that manner. Below is a better image of how I set the process went in shooting it.

First off, I know that my aperture is very wide, which kinda contradicts the purpose of this assignment (to further widen our scope on aperture on the deep depth of field end of the spectrum). However, I wanted to keep it wide because I wanted the bokeh effect. It makes the lights appear more like food and less like a wire stringing together bulbs. It took a little bit of manipulating and required me to move some objects back and forth to get the right effect, but I ended up with the setup above.

f/11, 1/25, 3200 | 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6
In this concept, I honestly was running out of ideas, so I stacked several shoe boxes together and kinda just went with it. This assignment was probably the one I'm least proud of (with this image being the image I'm also least proud of) because of how "meh" the images look.  I just don't like the way the image turned out, but I just reached a "writer's block" in this section. I attempted the "use architecture or a structure as a prop" concept, though I don't ideally think it fits any of the categories.

Overall, I think the bokeh effect worked well. My concept was put into practice, and it came out the way I wanted it to come out, minus the slight tilt the photo has. The concept I attempted and came up with for the second one was just a mess. 

For the next concepts over fall break, I plan on doing something drastically different. I'd like to use the sky, nature, or any natural objects as points of reference or "objects" in the photo. If this photo assignment is a 6, I want to make it a 10 with the next two concepts.


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