Saturday, March 9, 2019

Photo2Q3.4: External Flash

Coming into this project, I've never comfortably used flash accessories. I've seen using photographers use external flashes often, but I've never found use for them as I've utilized natural light a majority of the time. Still, they seemed "professional" so having this project definitely is an opportunity to expand my knowledge.

1a Before
1a After
1b Before
1b After
It seems as if that the flash needs to be within a certain distance for the built-in flash to function well. The shadows appeared to be filled out quite decently, but fall off beyond 5-6 ft in terms of luminance. 

I am currently missing task 2 as I've misplaced the files :/ However from what I remember, the external flash definitely seems to allow for far more distance. The luminance is far stronger and is quite successful in filling in the excess shadows that come with having harsh natural lighting.
3a Direct White
3a Direct Black
3b Side White
3b Side Black

3c Ceiling White
3c Ceiling Black

3d Card White

3d Card Black

3e Soft Box White
3e Soft Box Black

4f Direct 24mm
4 Direct 105mm
5 Before Reflector
5 After Reflector - Silver

5 After Reflector - Gold
After playing around with the different environments, uses, and capabilities regarding external flash, I found that it's incredibly useful for filling in shadows and providing that extra bit of light for a scene, or perhaps even being the primary source of light for a scene. I can definitely see the potential in using it for a variety of events, including the senior homeroom photoshoot. It's uses are definitely applicable to more closed in locations where you can bounce light off of various surfaces, preferably places with low ceilings. Backdrops can matter too in terms of giving off a particular look (I prefer black). The zoom can give a vignette effect to your image, or you can keep the zoom wide. There's so many different things you can do with external flash, and I believe that I only touched the surface of what you can do with it.

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